Флоат камеры и капсулы для флоатинга. Производство, сервис

Float camera Sense

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Стоимость 950 000 руб.
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Возможные опции

Fiber optic ceiling lighting "starry sky" with flicker and control

For a deep immersion in meditation and feeling of connection with Cosmos on the ceiling of the float room, you can make LED lighting "starry sky". According to the controller program, hundreds of small LEDs create unique pictures of the constellations.

Epsom salt, 500 kg

Other names: Epsom salt, magnesium sulfate MgSO4. To achieve the effect of zero gravity, 500-700 kg of Epsom salt is poured into the water of the float capsule. This is a bit more than 1 kg per liter of water. In addition to basic hydrogen peroxide disinfection, Epsom salt itself kills nearly all bacteria in water of float bath. Magnesium sulfate is supplied in bags 20-35 kg.

Underwater vacuum cleaner to collect debris from the bottom of the float bath

At the end of the day after the sessions, float camera has a sediment at the bottom which is not captured by filtration system. The easiest way to assemble it - with a manual underwater vacuum cleaner on batteries. It will collect sediment through his filter bag, and you will pour the water and salt back into the floating bath


Любой вопрос по флоат-камерам:

Флоатинг комната FST Sense

SENSE XL float capsule model manufactured by Float Spa Technology consists of several modules from composite materials and a set of floating equipment. Compared to other flotaries, it is large enough and designed specifically for tall people, especially athletes, feel comfortable inside. Also customers can take a floating session together in it. Float capsule SENSE XL can be purchased in any color according to the RAL range. The most popular colors are white and blue.

SENSE M floating capsule model manufactured by Float Spa Technology consists of six fiberglass modules and a separate unit with a pump, filter, heater, UV sterilizer. Since the model is collapsible, it easily sweeps into all doorways. SENSE float camera can be purchased in different heights, depending on the ceilings and choose a color according to your desire. The outer finishing for the flotarium is selected to your design. Usually these are wall panels for wet rooms.

Наш офис:

Москва, Дизайн-центр ArtPlay на Яузе,
ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, дом 10
строение 3


+7 985 762-02-66