Возможные опции
Epsom salt, 500 kg
Other names: Epsom salt, magnesium sulfate MgSO4. To achieve the effect of zero gravity, 500-700 kg of Epsom salt is poured into the water of the float capsule. This is a bit more than 1 kg per liter of water. In addition to basic hydrogen peroxide disinfection, Epsom salt itself kills nearly all bacteria in water of float bath. Magnesium sulfate is supplied in bags 20-35 kg.
Underwater vacuum cleaner to collect debris from the bottom of the float bath
At the end of the day after the sessions, float camera has a sediment at the bottom which is not captured by filtration system. The easiest way to assemble it - with a manual underwater vacuum cleaner on batteries. It will collect sediment through his filter bag, and you will pour the water and salt back into the floating bath