Флоат камеры и капсулы для флоатинга. Производство, сервис

Climate control

Any float cabin has a microclimate with a temperature of 35 degrees and almost 100% humidity. The main heat the air gets from the water vapor.

The composite body retains heat inside, and the ventilation system provides fresh air. If the temperature difference between the room and the flotarium is assumed to be more than 7-10 degrees, condensation may form on the flotation ceiling. In this case, order in advance the option "Heating of the ceiling."



Любой вопрос по флоат-камерам:

Наш офис:

Москва, Дизайн-центр ArtPlay на Яузе,
ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, дом 10
строение 3


+7 985 762-02-66